Monday, August 24, 2020

Models of the criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Models of the criminal law - Essay Example The effect that each of these has on criminal equity is that they are what chooses the equity to be served, on how a criminal will be treated inside the criminal equity framework. These two models are associated with how a criminal is taken care of, including his arraignment, protection, and condemning. The idea of equity is characterized by both of these models. Issues emerge between the various associations when they can't arrive at a resolution that bolsters the thoughts of all gatherings included. The contention model can be seen between jail authorities and cops. While the police are increasingly worried about getting all lawbreakers imaginable off the road and into a jail, away from people in general, the jail authorities are fretting about the conceivable congestion of detainment facilities, which could make them discharge hoodlums back to the lanes. Neither one of the parties can accomplish what they need to without conflicting with the desires of the other party. In this situation, it turns out to be just about a chain response of lawbreakers being gotten, at that point discharged, at that point potentially got again in the event that they are indicted for another wrongdoing. The agreement model can be found with respect to the court framework and the cops (Walker, 2004). The objectives of the two frameworks is to catch, attempt, and rebuff the hoodlums. They cooperate to ensure that they arrive at their concept of what equity is; they are fit for cooperating to get the ideal outcomes. The accord model shows that these various gatherings and associations can help out one another, working around and moving in the direction of that one shared objective that they share. The model that best speaks to the criminal procedure in this nation is the contention model. The various associations engaged with the criminal equity framework are continually at closes with attempting to choose what is correct or what's going on, and what discipline ought to be given. When something has at long last

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Feminist Examination of Pride and Prejudice Research Paper

A Feminist Examination of Pride and Prejudice - Research Paper Example Characterizing ladies in these terms has served to profit men in all fields, in the political, open, and private domains, while causing this separation between the sexes to show up as a characteristic given that has consistently existed, all through time. The belief system of sex has effectively positioned ladies into a case, in which their voices are hushed, and their activities are rendered unimportant, and hence undetectable, or are profoundly examined, and therefore rebuffed. In any case, the acknowledgment that the class of ‘woman’ is a social development and not an organic basic offered ascend to a heap of women's activist hypotheses that tried to find and deconstruct â€Å"predominantly male social paradigms,† while rescuing women’s encounters from the destruction of conventional verifiable and artistic analysis that disregarded, hushed and underestimated them (Green and Kahn 1). At the focal point of the male social worldview is the ability to make and reproduce significance from a male viewpoint, anyway one-sided or slanted it might be; de Beauvoir contends that the â€Å"representation of the world, similar to the world itself, is crafted by men; they portray it from their own perspective, which they mistake for the outright truth† (qtd. in MacKinnon 537). Men have utilized this capacity to name, and in this way own, beginning and end from the earliest starting point of time; in the Genesis story of creation, not exclusively was Eve made from Adam’s rib, she was likewise named by Adam, and as needs be, she got apparent as his property. This capacity to make and reproduce significance is profoundly dug in recounting stories, most customarily known as the composition of history, which has been commanded by men, who have expounded on men for men. Women's activists have contended that, because of having the option to compose things into reality, men use a wild measure of capacity to compose the female body into a large number of mistreated jobs, and through foundational prejudice, chauvinist, heterosexism, and classicist mastery, ladies have been

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Application Cycle

The Application Cycle You don’t need me to tell you that the college application process is rough, and can sometimes leave you feeling as if you’re trapped in a sick game that is like a scavenger hunt and therapy session rolled into one (“You’ve landed on the ‘Guidance Counselors’ Office.’ Collect your letters of recommendation and proceed to your personal statement, where you will divulge your greatest disappointments and accomplishments to strangers.”) Have no fear; there is light at the end of the tunnel. Second semester senior year will rear its head shortly, bringing with it stress-relief and (hopefully) a mailbox stuffed with acceptance letters. These letters will validate years of hard work and sacrifice, and set you on a new and exciting path. The choice to go to college right after high school was probably an easy decision for you (at least it was for me.) Hopefully you have received assistance from your teachers, guidance counselors, parents, and maybe even these blogs, so the decision to apply was not a daunting one. In four years, you will be in a completely different situation. As “crusty’ seniors, my classmates and I are at a point where we have to make a lot of decisions- big, complicated, and sometimes expensive decisions. The options are endless: go to more school (graduate, medical, law, business), get a “real” job, take a year off to figure things out, work for a non-profit organization (Teach for America, Peace Corps), work in a lab, etc. It can be a very confusing and frustrating time, since these decisions will make a profound impact on the rest of our lives. My classmates and I must think long and hard about what our next step will be. Suddenly, high school looks so easy, since almost everyone knew the next step was college, it was a just a matter of choosing which one. But, I’m happy to report that this can also be a very exciting time for college seniors. Just like you will undoubtedly receive a college acceptance letter, many of us are receiving job and graduate school offers. It’s with a bit of trepidation that I say that the next 9-10 years of my life are essentially planned. I will be spending the next two years at Oxford University thanks to the Rhodes Scholarship, followed by 7-8 years in an MD/PhD program. Some of the details are still fuzzy, for example I still need to apply for degree programs at Oxford (I’m hoping to studying Integrated Immunology and Global Health Science), and I haven’t committed to a specific MD/PhD program yet, but the general plan is in place. So how did this all happen? I’m still trying to figure that out myself, actually. The easy answer is that I made a decision about what I want my life to be like and how I will try to make a difference in the world within my field. Then I applied to programs that seemed like they would help me to accomplish these goals. The rest of this entry is a brief summary of the admissions processes for medical school and the Rhodes Scholarship. Medical School: Most people don’t realize that the medical school admissions process starts early; the primary application (equivalent to the college Common Application) is released in the beginning of June. So if you want to enter medical school right after college, you have to make that decision by the middle of your sophomore year, to allow time to get a pre-medical advisor and get letters of recommendation. (By the way…I’m writing this on the train and it just broke down!!! Ahh, Amtrak, you are the bane of my existence.) I had all of my secondary applications submitted by the beginning of September, and I began getting interview invitations shortly afterwards. (Unlike the college application process, med school interviews require you to travel to the school itself. MD-only programs have one day of interviews, MD/PhD programs generally have two.). The traveling is both a perk and a fault. Because of one of my interviews, I got to go to California for the first time. The inte rviews are always scheduled on a weekday, which meant that I’ve had to miss classes and devise creative strategies to complete all of my schoolwork remotely. But hey, I’m not complaining. Rhodes Scholarship: Studying at Oxford has been something that I’ve wanted to do since I spent a week there through a program I was involved with in high school called Youth Leaders International. So far I hadn’t gotten to study abroad (there were too many neat things to do at MIT) so it seemed like a great opportunity to get a different perspective on the practice of medicine and research process. When it came time to seriously considering applying, I checked out the bios of the past scholars and found them to be quite intimidating, as everyone seemed to have accomplished supernatural feats. Even so, I applied with the encouragement and support of the MIT Distinguished Scholarship Office. The Rhodes application is (dare I say) even more rigorous than the medical school application, in some respects: eight letters of recommendation, 1,000 word personal essay, list of activities and honors, and transcript. First, the application materials have to be turned in to MIT. Next, there are several interviews with graduate students, alumni, and faculty, and then MIT chooses a group of students to give institutional endorsements to. These students formally submit their applications to a Rhodes district. There are 16 districts in the country, and you can apply to either the district where you went to college, or where your permanent residence is. A month or so later, each district invites 12-14 students for interviews, which usually consists of an informal cocktail party on Friday night and a formal panel interview on Saturday. Finally, each district chooses 2 students to win the award, and the winners are announced in person on Saturday evening. As you can see, the applications don’t end when you get to college. Try to enjoy the process, and remember that you will be fine no matter what. Best of luck to you all! We’ve all been in your shoes, and we’re living proof that there is life after the college admissions process. Feel free to post any questions and I’ll try to address them in my next entry. And finally, I’d like to extend a big, BIG thank you to everyone who responded so positively to Matt’s entry about me (and of course to Matt for writing it.) I really appreciate it!!!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Human Resource Development China - 1082 Words

The emergence of People’s Republic of China in the last two decades has been remarkable. This paper will analyse and review the procedures which led to human resource development (HRD) in China. People’s Republic of China is the world’s most populous nation with an abundance of manpower availability. The human resources in China were under-utilized because of many reasons. Since China got independence in 1949 till late 1970’s, they followed a highly centralized economic planning system, unlike the western countries where the focus was manpower management. The primary focus of China during these years was industrialization rather than education, and they had scant attention to the development of managerial and professional skills. The situation started improving in late 1978 when China instituted major economic reforms. They recognized the importance of improving the education levels and skills to develop their human resources as they were motivated to refo rm and develop their economy. The reforms brought a greater impact to many areas of management, such as deregulation of the employment system by replacing the labour allocation system and opening up the labour market. China introduced motivation and competition mechanisms in their employment system like a market economy corresponding to the reduction of lifetime employment and guaranteed wages (Cherrie, 1995). This way the market orientation system greatly improved efficiency of resource allocations, and released theShow MoreRelatedThe Development of Human Resource Management in China2101 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction HRM is short for Human Resource Management and identified as a new managerial science. HRM is originally invented by western academicians. Its history is not long and it has become more and more popular in the recent years. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Functions Of A Human Resource Management Essay - 2160 Words

Abstract In this weeks discussion this paper will be researching and identifying the six main functions of a Human Resource Management (HRM) department, or simply just HR, and some changes they have went through over the years. Historically evolved from personnel and became human resources to meet the ever more complex rules, laws, and regulations that has developed over the years. HR is looked at as a system devised for the management of people inside an organization or business. Human Resource Management (HRM) includes a variety of task such as conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and doing the training, managing payroll, and providing benefits and incentives, evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels. Basically its the part of the business that focuses on the activities relating to their employees and taking care of them. Essentially its purpose is to maximize the productivity of the business by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees. This essay will include research from the internet, EBSCOhost, and course materials to better assist the readers in understanding the six main functions that HRM do in order to help make sure the business is a success and profitable. The discussion will further go into the when it came about and how the human resources department got its name and the different roles it has gained in the business over the years.Show MoreRelatedFunctions Of Human Resource Management1632 Words   |  7 Pages Primary function human resource management can divide into primary and secondary function primary function is directly involved with obtaining, maintaining and developing employee. Primary function included human resource planning, equal employment opportunity, staffing, recruitment, and selection. Compensation and benefit, employee, labor relation health, safety and security and human resource development. Secondary function included organization, job design, performance appraisal system, andRead MoreThe Human Resource Function Of Management1447 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Management of human resources is a very dynamic concept whose excision requires a delicate touch. Human resource refers to the mass of staff within an organization. It is from the synergistic effect of these members that the organization is able to formulate a vision, develop strategies and implement them towards the realization of this vision. A consistent approach towards the management of this resource is therefore a very critical asset for an organization. Generally, the human resource functionRead MoreThe Human Resource Management Function Essay1228 Words   |  5 Pagesshrinking the cultural and physical borders between countries for trade through the relaxed legal framework. Due to the increasing globalization the multi-national companies have to face new challenges to work efficiently across the borders. Human resource management function has to be reshaped to operate in new countries. Despite all the advantages of adopting the parent companies’ familiar practices, it does not prove to be effective in all countries (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2015). There is a significantRead MoreThe Functions Of Human Resources Management3354 Words   |  14 Pagesdepartment and fully understand the functions and requirements of HR within the current economic climate as well as the importance in relation to the labour market. Introduction Within this report it will examine the functions of Human Resources Management (HRM) within CJ Hotels and its importance during the current economic climate. In addition need to first look at what HRM actually is and what it means, according to Torrington et al, (2009) HRM means â€Å"Human resource management is a strategic, integratedRead MoreFunctions of Human Resource Management3887 Words   |  15 PagesHuman resource management Introduction Human resource management (HRM) incorporates various functions. The primary function of HRM is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees in the attainment of the goals and objectives of the organization. There are many areas in which HRM can be applied to help in this primary function. These areas will be discussed in detail in this paper as well as how they relate to HRM and how they work together to help in the achievement of the primaryRead MoreThe Functions Of Human Resources Management3354 Words   |  14 Pagesdepartment and fully understand the functions and requirements of HR within the current economic climate as well as the importance in relation to the labour market. Introduction Within this report it will examine the functions of Human Resources Management (HRM) within CJ Hotels and its importance during the current economic climate. In addition need to first look at what HRM actually is and what it means, according to Torrington et al, (2009) HRM means â€Å"Human resource management is a strategic, integratedRead MoreHuman Resource Management Functions Of The Company1635 Words   |  7 PagesHuman Resource Management Function Based on Bandag’s size, it is important for the company to look closely at the human resource functions of the company. Currently, Jim’s executive assistant handles the day-to-day human resource management. It is important to first ask if Jim’s executive assistant has the expertise to deal with the day-to-day human resource tasks or is this an additional burden on the assistant. It may appear as a burden due to the many problems the company is experiencing. Read MoreThe Key Functions Of The Human Resource Management895 Words   |  4 Pages The three key functions of the human resource management (HR) department that support the health care field the most are: motivating healthcare employees, demographic and diversity trends, and information systems in the field. (ncbi.nlm.nih) If an organization is unable to provide a work environment that motivates its staff to perform to their maximum potential, staff will gravitate to another organization. Healthcare organizations must value their staff by providing professional training opportunitiesRead MoreHuman Resource Management : An Essential Function1265 Words   |  6 PagesHuman resource management is an essential function in organizations dedicated to improve or maximize the performance of the labor force of the whole organization or to support a company’s strategy in achieving its target goals such as profitability. HRM is fundamentally concerned with the development and management of the employee within corporation. HR missions are fulfilled by trained profes sionals and HRM is usually referred as â€Å"involving people practices† (Noe et al., 2015) since an entire functionalRead MoreKey Functions Of Human Resource Management Essay2433 Words   |  10 PagesINTRODUCTION Human Resource Management is an essential function of any organization which is designed to meet a firm s objectives and strategies towards achieving it s goals. Human Resource Management is concerned with people management and lays down a framework of policies and guidelines within which the management of people is administered. To understand this business function more closely, we have been assigned with a group task to research and understand the functions and application of human resource

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vapor Pressure and Heat Evaporation Lab Report Free Essays

Vapor Pressure and Heat of Vaporization Introduction: ?Evaporation is the process of a liquid becoming vaporized. When a liquid is placed into a confined space some of the liquids will evaporate. Evaporation of the liquid depends on the strength of the intermolecular forces that are between liquid molecules. We will write a custom essay sample on Vapor Pressure and Heat Evaporation Lab Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the evaporation process of the liquid, new gas molecules exerts pressure in the sealed container, while some of the gas condenses back to the liquid state. ?If the temperature inside the container is kept constant, then the equilibrium at some point will be reached. When the equilibrium is reached, the rate of condensation is equal to the rate of evaporation and the rate of vapor pressure will remain constant as long as the temperature in the sealed container does not change. ?The relationship between the vapor pressure of a liquid and temperature is described in the Clausius-Clayperon equation: lnP= ? Hvap / R (1/T)+C. where 1nP is the natural logarithm of the vapor pressure, ? Hvap is the change in heat vaporization, R is the universal gas constant, which is (8. 31 J/mol†¢K), T is the absolute, or Kelvin, temperature, and C is the constant that is not related to heat capacity. Therefore, Clausius-Clayperon equation does not only describes how vapor pressure is affected by the temperature, but relates to the factors of heat vaporization of a liquid. ?The purpose of this experiment is to determine the relationship between the pressure and temperature of the volatile liquids. The pressure will be measured in a sealed vessel that contains different types of liquids such as methanol, ethanol and propanol. It will be measured several times at different temperatures. At the conclusion of this experiment, the heat of vaporization will be able to be calculated. Materials: ?To be able to complete this lab procedure, the materials that are needed is a Vernier computer interface, a Vernier Gas Pressure Sensor, temperature probe, rubber stopper assembly, plastic tubing with two connectors, hot plate, ice, one twenty milliliter syringe, one 400 milliliter beaker, two 125 milliliter Erlenmeyer flasks, one 1 liter beaker, ethanol, methanol, and 1-propanol. Methods: ?The first step in performing this experiment is to obtain and wear goggles. The alcohols used in this experiment are flammable and poisonous. The second step is to obtain the materials that are needed and set them up as accordingly. The third step is to use a hot plate to heat 200 milliliters of water in a 400 milliliter beaker. The fourth step is to prepare a room temperature water bath in a 1 liter beaker. The fifth step is to connect the Gas Pressure Sensor to channel one of the Vernier computer interface, then connect the Temperature Probe to channel two of the interface and then connect it to a computer. The sixth step is to use the clear tubing to connect the white stopper to the Gas Pressure Sensor. The white stopper must be twisted snugly into the neck of the Erlenmeyer flask, to avoid losing any of the gas that will be produced when the liquid starts evaporating. The most important thing to do is to remember to close the valve on the white stopper. ?The seventh step is to draw in 3 milliliters of methanol into the 20 milliliter syringe that is part of the Gas Pressure Sensor accessories. Place the syringe onto the valve of the white stopper. The eighth step is to start the Logger Pro program and open the file â€Å"34 Vapor† from the Advanced Chemistry with Vernier folder. The ninth step is to click â€Å"collect† to begin collecting data. The first measurement will be the pressure of the air in the flask and the room temperature. Place the Temperature Probe near the flask. When the pressure and temperature readings are stabilized, click â€Å"keep† to record the readings. The tenth step is to add methanol to the flask by opening the valve below the syringe, push down on the syringe to inject the 1-propanol and quickly close the valve. Afterwards, remove the syringe from the stopper and monitor the pressure and temperature readings. ?The eleventh step is to place the stoppered flask into the 1 liter beaker of room temperature water. Place the Temperature Probe in the water bath and monitor the pressure and temperature readings. The twelfth step is to add a small amount of hot water to warm the water bath by only a few degrees. Stir the water with the temperature probe and monitor the pressure and temperature readings. For the thirteenth step, repeat step twelve until five trials are completed. Add hot water for each trial so the temperature of the water bath increases. After the fifth trail is recorded, open the valve to release the pressure in the flask and dispose of the alcohol as directed. The fifteenth step is to end the data collection and record the pressure and temperature readings in the data table. When recording the data, record the pressure valve of the first data point as Pair for trials one and two and record the temperature for trial one. Record the pressure value of the second data point as Ptotal for trial two as well as the temperature. The remaining values are recorded as Ptotal for trial two as well as the appropriate temperature. The last and final step is to clean the work area. Data Table: Methanol Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trail 4 Trail 5 Ptotal (mmHg) 103. 1 04. 5 105. 8 101. 9 Pair (mmHg) 101. 3 102. 4 103. 3 104. 4 105. 2 Pvap (mmHg) 0. 7 1. 2 1. 4 2. 7 Temperature (Celsius) 22. 6 25. 8 28. 3 31. 2 34. 0 Ethanol Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trail 4 Trail 5 Ptotal (mmHg) 106. 3 94. 7 98. 9 112. 9 Pair (mmHg) 100. 8 100. 8 92. 78 96. 0 103. 4 Pvap (mmHg) 5. 4 1. 92 2. 9 9. 5 Temperature (Celsius) 23. 9 24. 0 0. 3 9. 9 31. 7 Propanol Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trail 4 Trail 5 Ptotal (mmHg) 101. 7 104. 9 106. 1 108. 3 Pair (mmHg) 100. 4 101. 1 102. 2 103. 1 104. 0 Pvap (mmHg) 0. 6 2. 7 3. 0 4. 3 Temperature (Celsius) 23. 8 23. 7 0. 2 6. 5 29. 1 Discussion At the end of this experiment, the results we obtained varied because of the different temperatures and pressures that we observed. During the evaporation process of the liquid, gas molecules exerts pressure in the sealed container, while some of the gas condenses back to the liquid state. If the temperature inside the container is kept constant, then the equilibrium was reached. When the equilibrium is reached, the rate of condensation is equal to the rate of evaporation and the rate of vapor pressure will remain constant as long as the temperature in the sealed container does not change. How to cite Vapor Pressure and Heat Evaporation Lab Report, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

It Is Hard To Be A Teacher Essays - Education Reform, Educators

It Is Hard To Be A Teacher I don't know the thing which I am going to talk about had happened some place else or not, but it truly occurred in Taiwan. One day, I arrived home and I was sitting on a chair, suddenly, something got my attention. It was a breaking news titled with student attacks from the newspaper which was next to me. It talked about a teacher who was attacked by a student from the back when he was turning toward the black broad. Because this student threw his back bag at the teacher's back of the head, it might have cause the teacher to never wake up again. I saw the same news from the TV that day too. Why did you throw the bag to your teacher, and cause him injury? a curious reporter asked the student seriously. He was annoying. he answered. How? His homework was too much and too hard .. he told my parents everything including how I skip school and smoked. It is not his business, that boy answered with a loud voice. Maybe he did not know that his teacher was in danger. I was thinking how unlucky the teacher was. Isn't it a teacher's responsibility to assign homework and report the student's behavior to their parent. But instead of being appreciated, he almost got killed by his own student. To be a teacher was a wonderful goal for the people who had ambition to develop a doctor, a lawyer or a scientist. But because of the more and more uprises in teacher brutalization by students today, almost nobody considers it as their dream job. That's why government tried to increase the numbers of teachers, even if they are not graduated from special program yet, they can teach the students and go to school at same time. Here is another example of a poor teacher; it was a high school teacher who got attacked by a student too. Fortunately, the teacher survived after a great amount of blood loss, unlike the example before; this is not the most interesting part. The teacher was sued by student's parents because their child got a little scratch. Due to the numerous student attacks, the number of teachers have steadily decreased over the year. But, even without the fear of being abused, it is a hard and a pay less job also. Before going to the school, teachers have to prepare the subject that they want to talk about that day. After school, they spend their time to correct students' paper. Usually, they spend more time than others in their job, but they get less money and less respects. Most parents think that teacher is responsible for their children's behavior. But they are wrong, teachers' work are only to teach. Maybe some of the teachers were lucky. They don't have this kind of student who tends to be violent. But they still have one problem: how to make the classroom a place for learning and fun? I am taking medical terminology class now and it is hard to memorize medical terms and the meaning of them, but a teacher found out some easy ways. For example, -itis, sounds like I test, don't you feel like in flames when you take a test? The answer is inflammation. How did that professor find out this interesting and an easy way to memorize a word root? He must spend a lot of his time on it since there is not only one term have to remember. With less and less devoted teachers working today, tomorrow's generations is being cheated out of their right to acquire knowledge and information. I don't know whose fault is it, but it is definitely unfair to our next generations. The government only can raise the teacher's benefit to attract more people's interesting. I was so happy that to be a teacher is not my future goal after knowing many cases about student attacks and teacher sued by parents. Many of my friends want to be a professor rather than a teacher because they think that to be a professor can get more money, more success, and do not need to do something like grade students' paper. I know that is