Saturday, February 15, 2020

Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Communication - Essay Example The four departments are aerospace, electronic systems, technical systems and information systems. The aerospace department creates revenue of approximately $ 10 billion annually and it has a workforce of about 23000 employees who are highly skilled individuals in their areas of expertise (Northrop, 2012). The department is a major supplier of American manned and unmanned defense aircrafts, space systems and technological knowhow in the security sector involving aviation.Examples of air defense mechanism created by the company involve the global hawk aircrafts and the F-35 lighting 11 jets. The electronic systems department is responsible for the provision of advanced electronic system for commercial and civil use, and military defense. The company has the ability to supply highly innovative and complex electronic defense machineries in marine systems, airspace management, navigation, and precision and communication systems. The company also provides electronic logistical support to government institutions and commercial organizations. ... department provides services in the modernization of existing military, communication and civil infrastructure to various government agencies, civil organizations and federal agencies. The company has competitors who are equally innovative and financially superior. Its major competitors are General Dynamics Cooperation, Lockheed Martin Cooperation and the Boeing Company. Compared to its three major competitors, Northrop Grumman is performing poorly, both in terms of its share value and revenue generating capabilities (Nasdaq, 2012). For example, the net income of Boeing Company as of June 2012 amounted to $ 4.35 billion, as compared to Northrop which stood at $ 2.10 billion, a difference of $ 2.25 billion. General Dynamics made $ 2.5 billion while Lockheed Martin made $ 2.78 billion. These figures are higher than the profitability of Northrop Grumman.In terms of their share prices, Northrop Grumman performs dismally (Nasdaq, 2012). The current value of Northrop Grumman share price st ands at $ 59.3; this is far below the share price of Boeing which currently trades at $ 72.58, a difference of $13.28. The share prices of its two other competitors are higher with Lockheed Martin share price trading at $ 83.37 and that of general dynamics trading at $ 64.13 (Nasdaq, 2012). The share values are an indicator of how well the company is perceived by the society and of its economic performance. The low share price of Northrop as compared to its competitors is an indication that the company economic performance is far below that of its competitors. There are various opportunities presentable to the company for expansion of its services and profitability. The present war on terror presents the company with an opportunity to develop high technology weapons that can be used to

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The American Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The American Revolution - Research Paper Example However, in 1783 the Treaty of Paris brought to an end the war with Great Britain getting forced to acknowledge the independence of United State’s 13 colonies. Whereas no particular event gets credit for the actual origin of the revolution, the war started as a disagreement concerning the treatment of the colonies by the Great Britain versus the manner in which the colonies perceived they needed to be treated. Although Americans believed they had permission to all the rights of Englishmen, on the other hand, the British believed that the aim of establishing the colonies was for them to be used in the manner in which that was best suitable to the crown, as well as the parliament. There is an exemplification of this dispute was evident in the rallying whimpers of the American Revolution, along with the motto: No Taxation Without Representation. Based on America’s way of thinking, the distance between the colonies from Great Britain led to independence, which happened to be hard in overcoming. Those eager to colonize the modern world in general had a strong, independent trait desiring modern opportunities, as well as enhanced freedom. Apart from that, the being of colonial legislatures denoted that the colonies were literary independent of the crown since the legislatures had the authority of levying taxes, mustering troops and passing laws. Eventually, these powers turned into rights according to many colonists. As a result, when curtailed by the British, there was the development of conflict; therefore, the United States’ future leaders found into these legislatures. Although the British trusted in mercantilism, Robert Walpole who was the Prime Minister espoused a viewpoint of salutary neglect. Salutary neglect was a system in that the actual imposition of external trade relations was sloppy. His perception w as that this enhanced freedom would end up stimulating commerce. A number of the revolutionary leaders had studied key writings concerning the Enlightenment comprising of those of Thomas Hobbes, the Baron de Montesquieu, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. As a result, the founders garnered the ideas of the social contract, separation of powers, limited government and consent of the governed.2 For almost a decade, there was mounting between Great Britain, as well as the American Colonies since the British government had bypassed a sequence of laws in trying to elevate their control over the colonies. However, Americans had grown fond of having authority concerning their local government; therefore they objected to these latest laws, while at the same time, protesting getting taxed devoid of their approval. In 1775, Britain’s Parliament affirmed Massachusetts, the core of the majority of the protests, as being rebellious thereby placing the British troops in Boston to undert ake swift action on the rebels; war broke out shortly afterwards. The Colonies were fundamentally unprepared for war since they did not have a central government, while, at the same time, they lacked a controlled army or navy. Representatives from the colonies organized the first Continental Congress undertaking the national government’s duties. Apart from that, Congress was in charge of the war effort thereby voting to coordinate an army, as well as a navy. This led to George Washington, who was not only a wealthy Virginia landowner, but also a former military officer, getting selected as the Continental Army’s chief commander. This led to the Congress embracing the Declaration of Independence whereby the colonies affirmed their liberty from British statute on July 4, 1776. Tension had been elevating between Great